[% USE VarCache; varcache.set('home_text', locale.maketext('Home')) %]
[% IF display_cpanel_doclinks && app_key.defined;
SET major_version = CPANEL.major_version();
SET help_key = app_info.plainitemdesc.remove('\W+').uri || 'Home';
SET helplink = "//go.cpanel.net/cpaneldocs" _ major_version _ help_key;
[%- IF !hide_header %]
[% IF CPANEL.CPFLAGS.item('trial2') %]
[%- locale.maketext('[output,strong,TRIAL LICENSE:] This copy is a trial version and will expire at the end of the trial term. You will need to upgrade to a paid copy to continue using the software after that term.') -%]
[% END %]
[% IF CPANEL.CPFLAGS.item('dev') %]
[%- locale.maketext("[output,strong,DEVELOPMENT LICENSE:] This server is running on a development license. If this server is being used in a production environment, please notify [output,url,_1,cs@cpanel.net] immediately.", "mailto:cs@cpanel.net?subject=" _ host_name _ "(" _ main_ip _ "," _ main_server_ip _ ") is using a dev license in a production environment") -%]
[% END %]
[% IF !hide_page_heading && page_title -%]
[% END %]
[% IF UI_Includes.can_load_template( app_key _ '_page_header.html.tt' ) -%]
[% END -%]
[% IF authorized_to_access -%]
[%- content -%]
[% ELSE -%]
[% locale.maketext('[output,strong,Error:] This feature, “[_1]”, is not enabled on your account. Please contact your reseller for access.',feature) %]
[% END -%]
[% IF UI_Includes.can_load_template( app_key _ '_page_footer.html.tt' ) -%]
[% END -%]